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Do it the RIGHT WAY

Writer's picture: Rosaria BarretoRosaria Barreto

Now! I’m a stickler for the rules, I like to do everything right and absolutely hate! Hate! Hate! being wrong. I started reading my first book of 2018 called ‘Ignite the Fire’ by Jonathan Goodman. Its about- How to be a successful Personal Trainer. One of the first things that he mentions Is that you need to know what your niche is! And so, many people have said this to me on my journey to having the most successful business EVER! but I haven’t fully understood until now what that meant. But it literally came to me like a light-bulb appearing on the top of my head.

Do you want to know what it is? … before I tell you I’m going to explain how I got to deciding on my niche. Well I have never been able to decide who I want my clients to be because I love working with all different people; athletes, business men and women, young people, students and special populations. And in today’s world you can’t make the kinda money I want just working for a gym. You need to have much more going on.  This isn’t a problem for me because I love doing everything all at once, however I do realise I need to start by focusing on one thing! and that my friends is how I came to deciding my niche.

Instead of choosing exactly who my target audience is just yet, I thought about how I train myself. So I started um-ing and ah-ing. Initially I thought…I never ever do things that I know are wrong. For example, any exercise that actually, isn’t doing much for your body and can in fact be increasing the risk of injury. SO! that was it, I have decided my niche. The moment you have all been waiting for, tah dah! (how anti-climactic).

What I really mean is, teaching and coaching exercise properly, with an emphasis on the reasons for doing the exercise. What does that mean exactly? … well, I have come across so many personal trainers, like a million, that teach exercises that actually shouldn’t be taught at all, and I’m not going to lie, it does vex me slightly. But I will leave this topic for another blog. So, if you want to train the right way and not have sore knees from incorrect squatting (like Homer)! Keep following me on my journey to success!

So, au revoir for now! Till the next time 😊

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